

A. 地理位置和历史

  1. 克劳迪特餐厅位于格林威治村历史悠久的第五大道,靠近华盛顿广场公园。
  2. 餐厅设有私人活动场地,名为Flamingo Room。

B. 餐厅特点

  1. 法式滨海餐厅
  2. 欢乐时光,下午4点至6点
  3. 提供链接以获取更多信息和菜单预览。


A. 法国出生的美国女演员

  1. 20世纪20年代末开始在百老汇参演
  2. 逐渐转入电影领域

B. 著名作品和风格

  1. 签名的刘海和磁性嗓音
  2. 最著名的角色是在《逃离》中的主演角色
  3. 以自信和优雅的表演风格而闻名


A. 克劳迪特是克劳德这个男性名字的女性变体

B. 女性名字克劳迪特的含义

  1. “跛腿的”、“封闭的”
  2. 这个名字曾被认为过时,但现在正在重新流行


A. 位置和联系方式

  1. 地址:纽约市第五大道24号
  2. 电话:(212) 868-2424

B. 格林威治村的地标建筑和美景

  1. 克劳迪特餐厅周围的华盛顿广场公园
  2. 历史悠久的建筑和迷人的街区

C. 克劳迪特餐厅的美食体验

  1. 提供完整菜单
  2. 庆祝当地美食的普罗旺斯社区餐厅


A. 克劳迪特是大西洋飓风季节的第三个命名风暴

B. 飓风的路径和影响

  1. 2021年,克劳迪特袭击了阿拉巴马州和佛罗里达州
  2. 造成了强风和暴雨,引发了龙卷风和洪水


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Q: What is Claudette?

A: Claudette can refer to multiple things:

  • 1. Claudette is a feminine given name.
  • 2. Claudette is the name of a coastal French bistro located in Greenwich Village, New York.
  • 3. Claudette Colbert is a French-born American actress known for her work in Broadway productions and films.
  • 4. Claudette is also the name of a tropical storm that recently hit the Gulf Coast, causing heavy rain and flooding.

Q: What are some famous people named Claudette?

A: One famous person named Claudette is Claudette Colbert, an actress known for her roles in stage productions and films like “It Happened One Night.”

Example: Claudette Colbert was a highly acclaimed actress known for her performances in classic films such as “It Happened One Night.” She had a distinctive style and voice that captivated audiences.

  • 1. Claudette Colbert – French-born American actress

Q: What is Claudette Colbert known for?

A: Claudette Colbert is known for her roles in Broadway productions and films, particularly her starring role in the screwball comedy “It Happened One Night.”

Example: Claudette Colbert gained fame for her role in the famous screwball comedy “It Happened One Night.” Her confident and intelligent style, along with her velvety purring voice, made her a beloved actress.

  • 1. Starring role in “It Happened One Night”

Q: What is the meaning of the name Claudette?

A: The name Claudette is of French origin and means “lame” or “enclosure.”

Example: The name Claudette has French origins and carries the meaning of “lame” or “enclosure.” It is a feminine form of the masculine given name Claude.

  • 1. French origin
  • 2. Meaning of “lame” or “enclosure”
  • 3. Feminine form of the name Claude

Q: What is Tropical Storm Claudette?

A: Tropical Storm Claudette is a weather phenomenon that recently hit the Gulf Coast, bringing heavy rain, floods, and even tornadoes to the affected areas.

Example: Tropical Storm Claudette caused significant damage along the Gulf Coast, with heavy rain, floods, and tornadoes impacting various communities. The storm was declared a named storm by the National Hurricane Center.

  • 1. Weather phenomenon
  • 2. Heavy rain and floods
  • 3. Tornadoes
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