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Bing Chat: How to Use Microsft Bing with ChatGPT

Bing Chat is a powerful combination of Microsoft Bing search engine and ChatGPT, which generates answers and displays search results simultaneously. Here is a guide on how to use Bing Chat:

1. Getting Started with Microsoft Bing’s ChatGPT

To start using Microsoft Bing’s ChatGPT and get answers along with search results, follow these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge, the browser officially launched by Microsoft.
  2. Create a new email account with an overseas provider and use an overseas IP address when registering and using the account.
  3. Download a plugin to prevent Bing from redirecting to the Chinese version, enabling access to New Bing.
  4. Search for and download the ModHeader plugin in the search box.
  5. Once installed, enter X-Forwarded-For and in ModHeader.
  6. Create a new Bing account to use the ChatGPT feature.

2. Features and Advantages of Bing Chat

Bing Chat combines the power of GPT-4 model and ChatGPT to provide enhanced search results and answers. Here are the features and advantages of Bing Chat:

  • Utilizes the GPT-4 model for answer generation and search result display, making Bing more powerful and accurate.
  • Integrates ChatGPT to enable search and conversation capabilities.
  • Offers a convenient search experience where users can directly ask ChatGPT questions or search for related content.

3. How to Use Microsoft Bing’s ChatGPT

To use Microsoft Bing’s ChatGPT for search and conversation purposes, follow these steps:

  1. Open a new tab in the Chrome browser by pressing Cmd+T (or Ctrl+T for Windows users).
  2. In the new tab, enter the content or question you want to search for in the Bing search box.
  3. ChatGPT will generate answers and display relevant search results based on your search or question.

4. Differences and Choices between Bing and ChatGPT

Although Microsoft Bing uses the GPT-4 model instead of ChatGPT, there are differences and choices between Bing and ChatGPT:

  • Bing is the only way to use GPT-4 for free.
  • Microsoft claims to integrate the latest language models into Bing, making it more powerful and accurate than ChatGPT.
  • Users can choose to use Bing’s ChatGPT feature or directly use ChatGPT based on their needs.




  1. 安装并打开微软边缘浏览器。
  2. 在新的标签页中,按下Ctrl+T(Windows用户)或Cmd+T(Mac用户)。
  3. 在打开的标签页中,转到Bing搜索框。
  4. 使用自然语言提出问题或查询。
  5. 您将收到来自ChatGPT的回复。




  • 智能回复:ChatGPT能根据您的问题提供智能回答,帮助您更好地理解和解决问题。
  • 语言理解:ChatGPT能够理解自然语言,使您可以用自己的方式与搜索引擎进行交互。
  • 问答功能:ChatGPT不仅能提供搜索结果,还可以直接回答您的问题,提供更全面和个性化的答案。
  • 交互性强:使用ChatGPT的Bing搜索更像是与一个真正的人进行对话,可以进行更深入的交流和提问。




  1. 打开微软边缘浏览器,并转到Bing搜索页。
  2. 在搜索框中输入您的问题或查询。
  3. 您将收到来自ChatGPT的回复。
  4. 您还可以继续与ChatGPT进行对话,并提出更多问题。




  • 回答方式:ChatGPT会以回答问题的形式提供答案,而普通Bing搜索只会显示相关的搜索结果。
  • 交互性:通过ChatGPT,您可以进行对话式交流,而普通Bing搜索仅提供静态的搜索结果。
  • 个性化回复:ChatGPT可以根据您的提问方式和语境提供个性化回复,而普通Bing搜索则没有这种功能。


问:微软Bing ChatGPT如何与必应一起使用?

答:要在微软Bing ChatGPT中使用必应,可以按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 在微软边缘浏览器中打开Bing搜索页。
  2. 在搜索框中输入您的问题或查询。
  3. 您将收到来自ChatGPT或Bing的回复,具体取决于您的搜索方式或提问。
  4. 您还可以与ChatGPT或Bing进行对话,并进一步追问或查询。

总的来说,要在微软Bing ChatGPT中与必应一起使用,只需打开Bing搜索页面,进行自然语言提问即可获得智能回答和搜索结果。

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