ChatGPT新手设计师和创意者指南(getting started with chat gpt)

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Getting started with ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a powerful tool developed by OpenAI that allows users to engage in chat conversations with a language model. Here are the steps to get started with ChatGPT:

Accessing ChatGPT

To access ChatGPT, go to and log in or register for an account. This will give you access to the Chat GPT login page.

Setting up a local version of API

If you prefer to use a local version of the ChatGPT API, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and log in or register for an account.
  2. Once logged in, click on the “Sign up” button to get started.
  3. After signing up, you can set up a local version of the ChatGPT API by following the provided instructions.

After accessing ChatGPT, you can start using it for various purposes:

Crafting prompts

The ChatGPT interface is straightforward and easy to use. To get started, simply type your question or prompt in the chat area and hit enter. The model will generate a response based on your input.

Refining prompts

If you’re not satisfied with the initial response, you can refine your prompt to get a better result. Experiment with different phrasings or provide more context to receive more accurate responses.

Practicing and learning

Using ChatGPT is a learning process. Practice interacting with the model and learn from the community. Join forums or discussion groups to explore various use cases and exchange insights with other users.

By following these steps, you can get started with ChatGPT and explore its functionality. Remember to experiment, refine your prompts, and learn from the community to make the most out of this powerful tool.

Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering is the art of crafting prompts that effectively instruct ChatGPT to generate the desired output. It involves understanding the model’s capabilities and limitations and designing prompts that elicit the desired responses.

Implementing Prompt Patterns

When implementing prompt patterns, it is essential to start with simple prompts and straightforward questions. As you become more comfortable with the model’s responses, you can create more complex prompts to achieve the desired output.

Here are some specific prompt patterns and tactics you can use:

1. Clarification prompts

  • Example: “Can you provide more details about…”
  • Use clarification prompts to ask ChatGPT to provide additional information or elaborate on a specific topic. This can help you refine the generated output and obtain more detailed responses.

2. Encouraging creativity prompts

  • Example: “What are some unique ideas for…”
  • These prompts encourage ChatGPT to generate creative and innovative responses. By explicitly mentioning the desired outcome, you can guide the model to think outside the box and provide fresh ideas.

3. Restrictive prompts

  • Example: “List the top three reasons why…”
  • Restrictive prompts can be used to ask ChatGPT to provide a limited number of options or a specific ranking. This helps you obtain concise and focused responses.

Implementing these prompt patterns requires experimentation and refinement. It is important to iterate and fine-tune the prompts based on the desired output and the model’s responses.

ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers provides a beginner-friendly guide to prompt engineering. It provides real-world use cases and prompt examples designed to help you use ChatGPT effectively. Whether you have a basic understanding of Python or are an advanced machine learning practitioner, this guide is suitable for you.

Advanced usage of ChatGPT


Using ChatGPT beyond text as prose


Utilizing chain of thought prompting


Exploring the capabilities of ChatGPT

Building an AI for website question answering

As an AI language model, ChatGPT has the capability to assist in website question answering. By integrating ChatGPT into a website, users can ask questions and receive responses generated by the model. This can be particularly useful for providing instant support and assistance to website visitors.

Here are some benefits of using ChatGPT for website question answering:

1. Improved customer experience: ChatGPT can provide quick and accurate answers to user queries, enhancing the overall user experience on the website.

2. 24/7 availability: Unlike human support agents, ChatGPT can provide round-the-clock assistance to users, ensuring that their questions are answered promptly.

3. Scalability: ChatGPT can handle multiple user requests simultaneously, making it suitable for websites with high traffic volumes.

4. Reduced costs: Using ChatGPT for website question answering can potentially lower the need for a large customer support team, resulting in cost savings for businesses.

Limitations of ChatGPT

While ChatGPT is a powerful language model, it also has certain limitations that need to be taken into consideration:

1. Lack of real-time context: ChatGPT does not have a memory of the conversation history beyond a few previous messages. This can lead to inconsistent or repetitive responses if important context is not explicitly provided.

2. Tendency to be overly verbose: In some cases, ChatGPT may generate long-winded responses that are not concise or to the point. This can result in user frustration and confusion.

3. Vulnerable to biases and misinformation: ChatGPT learns from the text data it is trained on, which can contain biases and misinformation. As a result, it may sometimes produce inaccurate or biased responses.

4. Lack of clarification ability: ChatGPT may not seek clarifications if a user query is ambiguous or unclear. This can lead to incorrect responses that do not address the user’s actual question.

It is important to understand these limitations and employ appropriate strategies to mitigate their impact when using ChatGPT for website question answering. Regular monitoring, feedback collection, and continuous improvement of the model’s performance can help overcome these challenges.

– “Develop skills in prompt engineering to generate high-quality text output; Explore Chat GPT’s capabilities, such as summarizing content and simplifying…”
– “2023年9月14日 — However, you can access its text input capabilities by subscribing to ChatGPT Plus, which costs $20 per month. Another option is to use Bing…”
– “2023年11月14日 — Here’s the short version of how to build your own custom ChatGPT using OpenAI’s GPT builder. Go to and log in.”
– “2022年12月1日 — Click new chat to start a brand new chat. Reload the page using the icon between the home and forward arrow icons or simply Ctrl + R or…”
– “2023年2月7日 — So stay with me and follow my guide. I will show you a very simple method to create your account very quickly. Step 1: Type “…”
– “As a reading comprehension tool: ChatGPT can be used to help students improve their reading comprehension skills. Teachers can ask ChatGPT to generate a passage…”
– “It is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model, which has been trained on a massive amount of text data to generate human-like text. The API…”
– “2023 · 被引用次数:48 — This Quick Start Guide introduces ChatGPT, an Artificial. Intelligence (AI) tool that has taken the world by storm, reaching 100 million users just two months…”




  • 访问chat.openai.com网站,然后登录或注册。
  • 创建一个OpenAI账号。
  • 构建您的第一个提示。
  • 提交您的提示。
  • 完善和优化您的提示。


  • 通过OpenAI账号登录ChatGPT。
  • 进入Playground,即可开始使用ChatGPT进行对话。
  • 向ChatGPT 提问,例如:让ChatGPT撰写一份简历。
  • 根据ChatGPT的要求提供您的工作经验、教育背景和技能,ChatGPT将回答您的要求。
  • 在ChatGPT中加入逻辑和对话交互,以实现更高效和智能的应用。



Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the art of crafting prompts that effectively instruct ChatGPT to generate the desired output. It involves understanding the model’s capabilities and limitations and implementing prompt patterns for consistent and accurate results.

Benefits of Prompt Engineering

  • Improved Model Performance: By crafting well-designed prompts, users can guide ChatGPT to produce more accurate and relevant responses.
  • Efficient Communication: Prompt engineering helps users convey their intent clearly and obtain the desired information or assistance from the model.
  • Quick Adaptation: With prompt engineering, users can customize the behavior of ChatGPT to suit specific tasks and domains effectively.

Strategies for Prompt Engineering

  • Start with Simple Prompts: Begin by creating simple prompts and asking straightforward questions. This approach allows users to gradually understand the model’s response patterns and adjust prompts accordingly.
  • Use Explicit Instructions: Clearly specify the desired format or structure of the response in the prompt to guide ChatGPT in generating the output accordingly.
  • Iterative Refinement: Continuously iterate and refine prompts based on the model’s responses to improve accuracy and address any potential biases or errors.

Prompt Engineering Examples

Here are some examples of prompt engineering that demonstrate effective ways to obtain desired responses from ChatGPT:

PromptDesired Output
“Translate the following English sentence to French: ‘Hello, how are you?'”“Bonjour, comment ça va?”
“Summarize the plot of the movie ‘Inception’ in 2-3 sentences.”“A skilled thief is tasked with planting an idea into a target’s dream. As the heist unfolds, it becomes difficult to distinguish between reality and the dream world.”
“Create a short poem about nature.”“In the tranquil woods, birds sing and flowers bloom. Nature’s beauty, a poet’s muse.”

These examples demonstrate how carefully crafted prompts can elicit specific and accurate responses from ChatGPT.
















  • 为了生成高质量的文本输出,我们需要开发写作提示工程技能。这包括选择合适的引导,调整参数或使用特殊标记来指导模型生成更准确、更有逻辑性的回答。
  • 需要花时间了解ChatGPT的行为和输出,以便更好地利用其能力。
  • 需要对不同类型的问题编写不同的提示,并对模型对每种类型问题的回答进行训练和微调。


  • ChatGPT有多种功能,可以用于改善用户体验和提供快速信息。
  • ChatGPT可以概括内容:我们可以要求ChatGPT概括一段文章或文本,以提供关键信息和要点。
  • ChatGPT可以简化内容:我们可以要求ChatGPT简化复杂的文本,使其更易于理解。
  • ChatGPT可以回答问题:我们可以向ChatGPT提出问题,并期望它根据其预训练的知识回答。



  1. 打开chat.openai.com并登录。
  2. 点击”New Chat”开始一个全新的聊天。
  3. 按下主页和前进箭头图标之间的刷新图标,或者按Ctrl + R或Cmd + R (Mac)重新加载页面。



  • 教师可以向ChatGPT提问,并要求它生成一个与问题相关的段落。这有助于学生理解和总结文章的内容。


ChatGPT基于GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) 模型,该模型经过大量的文本数据训练以生成类似人类的文本。


getting started with chat gpt的常见问答Q&A



  • ChatGPT的主要功能是进行自动对话,可用于与人交流、提供帮助等。
  • 它可以用于多个场景,包括设计、创意、教育、编程等。
  • 使用ChatGPT需要注册OpenAI账号并登录。



  1. 首先,访问OpenAI的官方网站或ChatGPT的聊天界面。
  2. 如果是首次使用,需要创建一个OpenAI账号并登录。
  3. 进入ChatGPT的界面后,可以直接在输入框中输入问题或语句。
  4. ChatGPT会自动对输入进行分析,并生成相应的回复。

问题3:ChatGPT的Prompt Engineering是什么?

答案:Prompt Engineering是一种指导ChatGPT生成期望输出的策略或技术。

  • 通过精心构建输入问题或语句,可以引导ChatGPT生成更准确、更有用的回复。
  • Prompt Engineering包括创建清晰简明的提示、尝试不同的提示结构、优化提示等步骤。
  • 它可以提高ChatGPT的性能,使其更好地满足用户需求。



  • 在设计和创意方面,可以用于提供灵感、发展创意、解决设计问题等。
  • 在教育领域,可以用于回答学生的问题、提供指导、辅助教学等。
  • 在编程和技术方面,可以用于解答编程问题、提供代码建议、辅助调试等。
  • 在各种实际情境中,可以用于对话、取得信息、提供建议等。
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