Metaplane 数据可观测性 v2 体验如何?(Data Observability v2 by Metaplane怎么样)

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Data Observability v2 by Metaplane

Metaplane is a data observability platform that helps data teams know when things break, what went wrong, and how to fix it. Built for the modern data stack, Metaplane provides comprehensive visibility into data systems, allowing users to monitor their entire data warehouse and identify any issues or anomalies.


三级标题 1.1:Metaplane的功能和特点

  • Metaplane是一个数据可观测性平台,为现代数据栈设计。
  • Metaplane提供细致全面的数据系统可见性。
  • 用户可以监控整个数据仓库并发现任何问题或异常。

三级标题 1.2:Metaplane的四个关键支柱


数据可观测性 v2 版本的发布

发布数据可观测性 v2 版本后,Metaplane引入了新的和增强的功能,进一步提高数据可观测性的体验。这个版本聚焦于四个关键支柱:指标、元数据、监控和数据完整性。下面将详细介绍每个支柱的内容。

Pillar 1: Metrics

Metrics are the internal characteristics of the data. In Data Observability v2, Metaplane offers advanced metrics tracking and analysis capabilities. Users can easily monitor and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) to gain insights into data quality, accuracy, and efficiency. With real-time metrics, data teams can quickly identify issues, such as data latency or anomalies, and take immediate actions to resolve them.

  • Real-time metrics tracking
  • KPI monitoring and analysis
  • Identifying data latency and anomalies

Pillar 2: Metadata

Metadata refers to the external characteristics about the data. Metaplane’s Data Observability v2 includes advanced metadata management capabilities, allowing users to easily track and manage data lineage, schemas, and dependencies. By understanding the relationships and dependencies between different datasets, data teams can ensure data accuracy, troubleshoot issues, and maintain data integrity.

  • Data lineage tracking
  • Schema management
  • Dependency analysis

Pillar 3: Monitoring

Monitoring is a crucial aspect of data observability. Metaplane’s Data Observability v2 provides comprehensive monitoring capabilities to help data teams proactively identify and resolve issues. With automated monitoring of the entire data warehouse, users can quickly detect any abnormalities, such as data pipeline failures or data quality issues. The advanced alerting system ensures that data teams are immediately notified of any issues, enabling them to take prompt actions for resolution.

Automated monitoring of the data warehouse

Metaplane’s Data Observability v2 offers automated monitoring of the entire data warehouse. This feature allows data teams to continuously monitor the freshness and accuracy of data in real-time. By regularly checking data pipelines and examining the quality of the data, teams can ensure that their campaigns and decision-making processes are always on track.

Detection of data pipeline failures

Data pipeline failures can have a significant impact on business operations. Metaplane’s monitoring capabilities enable users to proactively detect any failures in their data pipelines. By setting up alerts and notifications, data teams can be immediately informed of any potential issues, allowing them to take prompt actions to resolve the problems and minimize downtime.

Data quality issue identification

Data quality is crucial for making informed decisions. Metaplane’s monitoring tools dig deep into the data warehouse to identify any data quality issues. This includes checking for data inconsistencies, missing values, and outliers. By proactively monitoring the data quality, data teams can ensure that the insights and analytics derived from the data are reliable and accurate.

Advanced alerting system

Metaplane’s Data Observability v2 is equipped with an advanced alerting system. This system automatically notifies data teams of any issues detected in the data warehouse. Through customizable alerts and notifications, data teams can stay informed of real-time anomalies and take immediate actions. This ensures that any issues are promptly addressed, minimizing the impact on business operations.

Pillar 4: Integrity

Data integrity is crucial for accurate and reliable insights. Metaplane’s Data Observability v2 focuses on improving the integrity of data feeding into critical reports and analysis. The platform offers data validation and anomaly detection capabilities, allowing data teams to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the data. By resolving data integrity issues, organizations can trust the insights derived from their data and make informed decisions.

  • Data validation
  • Anomaly detection
  • Improving data accuracy and consistency

Pillar 4: 数据完整性


Pillar 4.1: 数据验证


  • 数据质量规则:定义并应用数据质量规则,例如数据范围、格式和逻辑性。
  • 数据一致性检查:对数据进行比对和验证,确保数据在各个源头和数据传输过程中的一致性。
  • 数据重复性检查:检查重复的数据记录,确保数据集中不含重复的条目。

Pillar 4.2: 异常检测


  • 异常值检测:识别数据中的异常值,例如超出预期范围的数值或与其他数据不符的数值。
  • 异常行为检测:监测数据的行为模式,以及是否存在与正常操作不符合的行为。
  • 实时监测:通过实时监测数据流,及时发现并处理异常情况。



Data Observability v2 by Metaplane怎么样的常见问答Q&A



  • 度量:内部数据特征的监测,例如数据的大小、形式、格式等。
  • 元数据:关于数据的外部特征的监测,例如数据的来源、更新频率、字段定义等。
  • 谱系:数据之间的依赖关系的监测,帮助追踪数据的变化和流动。
  • 日志:事件记录的监测,帮助发现数据异常和故障。




  • 数据监测:监测整个数据仓库和数据堆栈,实时检测数据质量、完整性和异常情况。
  • 问题定位:帮助快速定位数据异常和问题,提供根因分析和排查故障的功能。
  • 自动化:自动化数据监测和故障排查流程,减少人工操作并提高效率。
  • 元数据管理:提供对元数据的管理和监测,包括数据来源、更新频率、字段定义等。
  • 谱系分析:实时追踪数据的谱系和依赖关系,帮助了解数据的流动和变化。
  • 日志记录:记录数据相关的事件和日志,用于问题诊断和故障排查。




  1. 度量:数据的内部特征,包括数据的大小、形式、格式等。
  2. 元数据:数据的外部特征,包括数据的来源、更新频率、字段定义等。
  3. 谱系:数据之间的依赖关系,帮助追踪数据的变化和流动。
  4. 日志:记录数据相关的事件和日志,用于问题诊断和故障排查。




  • 元数据管理:Metaplane可以管理和监测数据的元数据,而Sigma可以通过API增加对数据堆栈的可见性并与数据集成。
  • 问题定位:Metaplane和Sigma都可以帮助快速定位数据异常和问题,提供根因分析和故障排查的功能。
  • 自动化:Metaplane和Sigma都提供自动化的数据监测和故障排查流程,减少人工操作并提高效率。




  1. 数据异常:数据在传输和处理过程中可能会出现异常,例如丢失、错误、重复等,数据观测性可以帮助快速检测和解决这些问题。
  2. 数据延迟:数据延迟可能导致业务决策的延误和不准确性,数据观测性可以帮助监测数据的及时性并提供及时报警。
  3. 数据完整性:数据的完整性对于准确的业务分析和决策非常重要,数据观测性可以帮助监测数据的完整性,并及时发现和纠正问题。
  4. 故障排查:当数据出现故障时,需要快速定位和解决问题,数据观测性可以提供根因分析和故障排查的功能。


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