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  • 概述: OmMuse是一款专为音乐创作而设计的在线平台,提供丰富的功能,包括整理和存储整个音乐目录等。用户可以免费注册并获得5GB的免费存储空间。
  • 注册流程: 用户可以通过以下步骤完成注册:
    1. 访问OmMuse平台官网。
    2. 点击注册按钮,进入注册页面。
    3. 填写个人信息,如用户名、电子邮件和密码。
    4. 点击注册按钮,完成注册。
    5. 一封包含登录/注册链接的确认邮件将发送至用户的收件箱。
  • 登录流程: 已注册的用户可以通过以下步骤完成登录:
    1. 访问OmMuse平台官网。
    2. 点击登录按钮,进入登录页面。
    3. 输入注册时使用的用户名或电子邮件和密码。
    4. 点击登录按钮,完成登录。
  • 忘记密码: 如果用户忘记密码,可以按照以下步骤进行密码重置:
    1. 访问OmMuse平台官网。
    2. 点击登录按钮,进入登录页面。
    3. 点击”忘记密码”链接。
    4. 输入注册时使用的电子邮件。
    5. 点击发送重置链接按钮。
    6. 一封包含密码重置链接的电子邮件将发送至用户的注册邮箱。
    7. 点击密码重置链接,按照提示设置新密码。




  • 音乐扩展生成:ExtendMusic.AI利用人工智能技术,能够分析用户上传的音乐,并生成激发灵感的音乐扩展。这些音乐扩展可以丰富原创作品,增加音乐作品的层次和创意。
  • 多种音乐风格支持:ExtendMusic.AI支持多种音乐风格,用户可以根据自己的需要选择适合的音乐扩展风格。无论是流行音乐、古典音乐还是电子音乐,都能找到合适的音乐扩展。
  • 灵感灌输:ExtendMusic.AI的音乐扩展不仅仅是单纯的音乐生成,还注入了灵感元素。这些音乐扩展可以激发用户的创作灵感,帮助他们更好地表达自己的音乐想法。






What is ExtendMusic.AI?

Answer: ExtendMusic.AI is an AI music extension tool that uses innovative artificial intelligence technology to enhance music. It allows users to upload their music and generate inspiring music extensions using AI, enriching their music creations.

  • Example: You can upload your original song to ExtendMusic.AI and let the AI generate an extended version with new melodies and harmonies. This can help you explore different musical possibilities and add depth to your composition.
  • It offers a unique way for musicians and composers to expand and enhance their music compositions.
  • With ExtendMusic.AI, you can experiment with different AI-generated musical ideas and incorporate them into your original work.

What is OmMuse?

Answer: OmMuse is an online platform designed for music creation. It provides a rich set of tools and features to help musicians and composers in their creative process.

  • Example: OmMuse offers a wide range of virtual instruments and sample libraries, allowing users to explore different sounds and textures in their compositions.
  • It provides a collaborative environment where musicians can connect and collaborate with other artists, sharing ideas and inspiration.
  • OmMuse also offers music production and mixing tools to help musicians in the recording and production process.

What is MyVocal?

Answer: MyVocal is an AI music tool that allows users to clone their own voice in just 60 seconds. It can be used for singing or content creation, providing a unique vocal tone to help users stand out.

  • Example: With MyVocal, you can record a short sample of your voice and the AI technology will generate a cloned version that sounds like you. This can be useful for creating harmony vocals or experimenting with different vocal styles.
  • It offers a free service where users can sign up and receive a login/register link in their inbox.
  • MyVocal’s AI technology analyzes the voice characteristics and replicates them in the cloned version, allowing users to create professional-sounding vocal tracks.

How can ExtendMusic.AI enhance music compositions?

Answer: ExtendMusic.AI can enhance music compositions by leveraging AI technology to generate inspiring music extensions.

  • Example: By uploading your original music to ExtendMusic.AI, the AI algorithms will analyze the composition and generate additional melodies, harmonies, and variations that complement your work.
  • It provides musicians with new ideas and possibilities for expanding and enriching their compositions.
  • ExtendMusic.AI allows users to experiment with different musical elements, helping them discover new directions and add depth to their music.

What features does OmMuse offer for music creation?

Answer: OmMuse offers a range of features specifically designed to support music creation.

  • Example: OmMuse provides a comprehensive library of virtual instruments, allowing users to create realistic and diverse sounds in their compositions.
  • It offers advanced music notation tools, making it easy for composers to write and arrange their music.
  • OmMuse allows users to collaborate with other musicians in real-time, making it a great platform for remote music production and collaboration.
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