OpenAI API Key Authentication Error(openai.error.AuthenticationError: No API key provided. You can set your API)

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OpenAI API Key Authentication Error

The OpenAI API key authentication error occurs when the API key is not provided or is not properly configured. This error prevents the OpenAI API from authenticating requests and accessing the requested resources.

Setting API Key in Code

To set the API key directly in the code, you can use the following line:

openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

Replace ‘YOUR_API_KEY’ with your actual API key to authenticate the requests.

Setting Environment Variable

Another way to set the API key is by using the environment variable. You can set the ‘OPENAI_API_KEY’ environment variable with your API key.

Storing API Key in a File

If your API key is stored in a file, you can specify the file path using the ‘openai.api_key’ attribute as follows:

openai.api_key = open('path/to/api_key.txt', 'r').read().strip()

Make sure to provide the correct file path to the API key file.

Using API Key in VS Code

If you are using the OpenAI API key in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with the “internalConsole” configuration, you can create a separate ‘secrets.json’ file to store the API key.

The ‘secrets.json’ file should contain the following content:


Replace ‘YOUR_API_KEY’ with your actual API key. Then, you can access the API key in your code using the ‘openai.api_key’ attribute.

Solving the Authentication Error

If you encounter the “AuthenticationError: No API key provided” error, there are a few steps you can take to resolve it:

  • Clear Browser Cache: Clearing the browser cache can resolve the issue caused by an outdated version of the API key stored in the browser.
  • Verify API Key: Ensure that the API key is correct by copying and pasting it directly from the OpenAI dashboard. Make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces.
  • Check Code Configuration: Double-check that the API key is correctly set either in the code or as an environment variable.

Code Example for Setting API Key

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to set the API key:

import openai

openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

# Make API requests using the authenticated key
response = openai.Completion.create(

Replace ‘YOUR_API_KEY’ with your actual API key to authenticate the requests.

openai.error.AuthenticationError: No API key provided. You can set your API的常见问答Q&A

问题1:什么是”No API KEY provided”错误?

答案:“No API KEY provided”错误是指在使用OpenAI API时未提供API密钥所导致的错误。API密钥是用于验证身份和访问OpenAI API的凭据。

  • 当没有提供API密钥时,OpenAI API将返回一个”AuthenticationError: No API key provided”的异常。
  • 该错误通常发生在使用OpenAI API时未正确设置API密钥的情况下。
  • 解决此错误的方法是在代码中设置API密钥,使用以下方式:openai.api_key =

问题2:如何解决”No API KEY provided”错误?

答案:要解决”No API KEY provided”错误,请按以下步骤操作:

  1. 检查代码中是否正确设置了API密钥,使用openai.api_key = 来设置。
  2. 确保提供的API密钥是有效的,并且与您在OpenAI仪表板中获得的密钥一致。
  3. 如果您的API密钥存储在文件中,请使用openai模块指向该文件的路径,以便正确加载API密钥。
  4. 如果您使用的是环境变量来设置API密钥,请确保环境变量OPENAI_API_KEY已正确设置。
  5. 在确认API密钥设置正确后,重新运行代码,应该能够成功访问OpenAI API。

问题3:”No API KEY provided”错误的常见原因有哪些?

答案:“No API KEY provided”错误的常见原因如下:

  • API密钥未正确设置或未提供。
  • API密钥与在OpenAI仪表板中获取的密钥不匹配。
  • 使用环境变量设置API密钥时,环境变量未正确设置。
  • API密钥存储在文件中,但未正确指定文件路径。
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