OpenAI ChatGPT API Documentation(openai chatgpt api documentation)

OpenAI ChatGPT API Documentation

The OpenAI ChatGPT API offers developers a range of resources, tutorials, API docs, and dynamic examples to help them maximize the potential of OpenAI’s developer platform.

ChatGPT API provides a chat interface to the models in the OpenAI API, allowing developers to easily integrate conversational AI capabilities into their applications and products. It offers a variety of built-in features, including integrated browsing, code execution, plugins, and more.

Integrating ChatGPT and Whisper models

Developers can now leverage the power of ChatGPT and Whisper models by integrating them into their apps and products through the OpenAI API. This integration opens up endless possibilities for enhancing user experiences and providing intelligent conversational agents.

Using the Create chat completion API

The Create chat completion API allows developers to interact with the ChatGPT model and generate chat-based responses. The API documentation provides detailed information on how to make API calls, including examples of text strings and their corresponding number of tokens.

Using ChatGPT API for work and creativity

ChatGPT API offers a transformative solution for both work productivity and creative processes. By harnessing the power of AI, developers can build applications that streamline repetitive tasks, provide assistance, and unlock new possibilities for creativity.

Technical details and resources

For developers looking to delve into the technical details of the ChatGPT API, there are comprehensive specifications, API documentation, OpenAPI support, SDKs, GraphQL, developer docs, and CLI/IDE plugins available. Additionally, information on API pricing, developer experience, and authentication methods can be found to facilitate smooth integration.

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openai chatgpt api documentation的常见问答Q&A

What is the API Reference for the OpenAI API?

Answer: The API Reference for the OpenAI API provides detailed documentation and specifications about the various endpoints, methods, and parameters available for developers to interact with the API. It serves as a comprehensive guide for developers who want to integrate OpenAI models into their applications or products.

Some key points to note about the API Reference:

  • It outlines the available API endpoints, such as chat completion, document generation, and more.
  • It explains how to authenticate and make API requests using API keys.
  • It provides detailed descriptions and examples for each API endpoint and its associated parameters.

What is the GPT in the OpenAI API?

Answer: GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” which is a language processing model used in the OpenAI API. GPT is based on deep learning techniques and has been trained on a large corpus of text from the internet. It is capable of generating human-like text and can be fine-tuned for various natural language processing tasks.

Some key points about GPT in the OpenAI API:

  • GPT can be used for tasks such as text completion, language translation, text summarization, and more.
  • It can be accessed through the OpenAI API, allowing developers to integrate GPT into their applications and products.
  • GPT provides state-of-the-art natural language processing capabilities, making it a powerful tool for developers.

What is ChatGPT and Whisper in the OpenAI API?

Answer: ChatGPT and Whisper are two models available in the OpenAI API that offer conversational AI capabilities.


  • ChatGPT is designed specifically for chat-based applications and provides a chat interface to the models in the OpenAI API.
  • It allows developers to create interactive and dynamic conversations with the model, making it suitable for building chatbots or virtual assistants.
  • ChatGPT supports a range of built-in features, including integrated browsing, code execution, plugins, and more, enhancing the conversational experience.


  • Whisper is another conversational AI model available in the OpenAI API.
  • It is trained on a massive amount of multilingual and multitask data and can generate high-quality responses.
  • Whisper is particularly well-suited for tasks that require coherent and contextually relevant responses, such as question answering, dialogue systems, and more.

How can I use the ChatGPT API?

Answer: To use the ChatGPT API, you can follow these steps:

  1. Sign up and obtain an API key from the OpenAI developer platform.
  2. Read the documentation and familiarize yourself with the API Reference and ChatGPT API specifics.
  3. Make API requests using HTTP POST requests to the specified API endpoint, providing your API key and the desired input text for the conversation.
  4. Handle the API response, which will contain the model’s generated response based on the input conversation.
  5. Iterate and refine your conversation by extending the input and response based on your application’s logic or user interactions.

Remember to manage your API usage and stay within the specified usage limits to avoid disruption of service.

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