Understanding ChatGPT API Rate Limits for Free Usage(chatgpt api free limit)

Understanding ChatGPT API Rate Limits for Free Usage

The ChatGPT API provides different rate limits depending on the subscription plan. Free trial users have a limit of 20 requests per minute (RPM) and 40,000 tokens per minute (TPM). Pay-as-you-go users have a limit of 60 RPM and 60,000 TPM for the first 48 hours and 3,500 RPM and 90,000 TPM after 48 hours.

Free Trial Users

Free trial users have the following rate limits:

Text & Embedding

  • Rate Limit: 3 RPM
  • Token Limit: 150,000 TPM


  • Rate Limit: 3 RPM
  • Token Limit: 40,000 TPM

Pay-as-you-go Users

Pay-as-you-go users have different rate limits based on the usage duration:

First 48 Hours

  • Rate Limit: 60 RPM
  • Token Limit: 60,000 TPM

After 48 Hours

  • Rate Limit: 3,500 RPM
  • Token Limit: 90,000 TPM

Understanding ChatGPT API Rate Limits for Paid Usage

Paid users of ChatGPT API have different rate limits and usage tiers depending on their subscription plan. These rate limits are measured in requests per minute (RPM), requests per day (RPD), and tokens per minute (TPM).

Tier 1: $5 paid

  • Rate Limit: 500 RPM
  • Token Limit: 10,000 RPD
  • TPM (GPT-3.5): 40,000
  • TPM (GPT-4): 4,000

Tier 1 users of the ChatGPT API, who are subscribed to the $5 paid plan, have a rate limit of 500 requests per minute and a token limit of 10,000 requests per day. For the GPT-3.5 model, they have a TPM limit of 40,000, and for the GPT-4 model, they have a TPM limit of 4,000.

Tier 2: $100 paid

  • Rate Limit: 3 RPM
  • Token Limit: 200 RPD
  • TPM (GPT-3.5): 20,000
  • TPM (GPT-4): 200,000

Tier 2 users of the ChatGPT API, who are subscribed to the $100 paid plan, have a lower rate limit of 3 requests per minute but a higher token limit of 200 requests per day. For the GPT-3.5 model, they have a TPM limit of 20,000, and for the GPT-4 model, they have a TPM limit of 200,000.

It’s important for paid users to be aware of these rate limits to effectively manage their usage and ensure smooth integration with the ChatGPT API.

ChatGPT API Token and Character Limits

The ChatGPT API has a token limit of 4,096 tokens per request, which translates to approximately 16,384 characters per interaction for each prompt and response. This limit applies to both the prompt and the response text.

For the web interface, the character limits may vary, but generally, the prompt and response are limited to around 2,048 characters, or 4,096 tokens.

Rate Limits for ChatGPT API

The rate limits for the ChatGPT API depend on the subscription plan. Free trial users have a limit of 20 requests per minute (RPM). The token usage limit for free trial users is 150,000 tokens per minute.

If your rate limit is 60 requests per minute and 150,000 tokens per minute, you’ll be limited either by reaching the requests/min cap or running out of tokens.

Character Limit for ChatGPT Text Prompts

The character limit for ChatGPT text prompts is 4,096 characters. This limit applies to both the prompt and the response in a conversation.

It’s important to note that each prompt and response counts towards the token limit of 4,096 tokens per interaction.

Using Free Credit for ChatGPT API

If you want to experiment with the ChatGPT API, you can use the free $5 credit, which is valid for three months.

Once the credit is exhausted or the trial period ends, you will need to switch to a paid plan to continue using the API.

Benefits of Free Credit for ChatGPT API

The free credit provided by OpenAI for the ChatGPT API has several benefits for users:

  • You can test the functionality and performance of the ChatGPT API without any cost.
  • The $5 credit allows you to explore and experiment with the API for a period of three months.
  • During the trial period, you will have access to the full features of the API, similar to the paid plans.
  • It provides an opportunity to evaluate the usefulness and suitability of the ChatGPT API for your specific use case.
  • Once the credit is used up or the trial period ends, you can switch to a paid plan to continue using the API.
  • Using the free credit is a great way to get started and familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the ChatGPT API.

Limitations of Free Credit for ChatGPT API

While the free credit for the ChatGPT API offers many benefits, there are also some limitations to be aware of:

  • The free credit amount is limited to $5, which may not be sufficient for extensive or long-term usage.
  • Once the credit is exhausted, you will need to switch to a paid plan to continue using the API.
  • The free credit is valid for three months, after which it expires and cannot be used anymore.

If you want to continue using the ChatGPT API beyond the free trial period, you can choose from the available paid plans based on your usage requirements and budget.

Rate Limits for Microsoft Bing AI Chat

Microsoft Bing AI chat has specific rate limits that users should be aware of. These limits include:

  • Chat Limit: 30 chats per session or 300 chats per day
  • Message Limit: 30 messages per hour for free plan users, 50 messages every three hours for ChatGPT Plus users

Microsoft Bing AI Chat Limitations

Microsoft Bing AI chat has limitations on the number of chats and messages users can send. The current limits are 30 chats per session or 300 chats per day. This means that users are restricted to a maximum of 30 conversations in a single session, and a total of 300 conversations in a day.

Message Limits for Microsoft Bing AI Chat

In addition to chat limits, Microsoft Bing AI chat also has message limits. Users in the free plan are restricted to 30 messages per hour. ChatGPT Plus users have a higher limit and can send up to 50 messages every three hours.

Comparison with ChatGPT

Microsoft Bing AI chat is often compared to ChatGPT, another popular AI chatbot. While ChatGPT has its own separate limits, Microsoft Bing AI chat has a lower chat limit of 30 chats per session or 300 chats per day, compared to ChatGPT’s limit of 20 chats per session or 200 messages per day.

Usage Restrictions and Access

Microsoft Bing AI chatbot is available to users with access to the Bing search engine. However, there are restrictions on the number of questions or turns users can have in a session. Currently, users can ask a maximum of five questions per session and 50 questions per day.

Differences Between Bing Chat and ChatGPT

Bing Chat and ChatGPT are two AI chatbots that excel at different things. Bing Chat is free to use, while ChatGPT offers a premium ChatGPT Plus plan. Bing Chat has a limit of 30 chats per session or 300 chats per day, while ChatGPT has a limit of 20 chats per session or 200 messages per day.

Bing Chat Features

  • Bing Chat is entirely free to use.
  • Bing Chat uses the more advanced AI technology.
  • There is a limit of 150 conversations for Bing Chat.

ChatGPT Pricing and Plans

ChatGPT offers a premium plan called ChatGPT Plus, which provides additional benefits and higher usage limits. The pricing for ChatGPT Plus starts at $28 per 1,000 transactions.

Chat Completion API

The Chat Completion API allows developers to use models like GPT-35-Turbo and GPT-4 models for basic chat functionality.

In conclusion, Microsoft Bing AI chat has specific rate limits in place to ensure a smooth user experience. Users should be aware of the chat and message limits imposed by Bing Chat and take these into account when using the service.

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chatgpt api free limit的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT API有什么限制?

答案:ChatGPT API有以下限制:

  • 免费试用用户:每分钟最多20个请求(RPM)和每分钟最多40000个令牌(TPM)。
  • 按使用量付费用户前48小时:每分钟最多60个请求(RPM)和每分钟最多60000个令牌(TPM)。
  • 按使用量付费用户48小时后:每分钟最多3500个请求(RPM)和每分钟最多90000个令牌(TPM)。

问题2:如何解决ChatGPT API的速率限制错误?

答案:要解决ChatGPT API的速率限制错误,可以采取以下方法:

  • 检查当前请求速率是否超过了API的设定限制。
  • 降低请求速率以符合API的限制。
  • 优化代码并减少请求的次数,以提高效率。
  • 考虑升级到更高级别的付费计划,以获得更高的请求速率限制。

问题3:ChatGPT API有免费版本吗?

答案:ChatGPT API有一个免费试用版本,但使用该版本有一定的限制。免费试用用户的请求速率限制为每分钟最多20个请求(RPM)和每分钟最多40000个令牌(TPM)。

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